Single - Gigi & the Two Tones - Rockin Sender

Single - Gigi & the Two Tones - Rockin Sender

SKU: SI_Tessy 207

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4 track EP from Tessy Records feat. the LaVern Baker Song Voodoo Voodoo as an rough direction, what you can expect.

Gigi is a sweet lady from czech and if you just wonder, how R'n'R in czech language sounds like, just buy this EP and listen to "Rockin' Sender". If you prefer english language to understand what they sing,  there's an english version as well.

Finally the classic "I love you honey" (I love your money, but most of all I like your automobile) is not only for the 50s car fans....
Even if you never heard of the "Two Tones" you can be sure that all 3 backing musicans have together approx. 100 years experience in Rock'n'Roll music, so you easily can expect a perfect sound...


Side A
1. Voodoo Voodoo
2. Rockin' Sender (Czech Version)

Side B
3. Rockin Sender
4. I Love You Honey

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