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Buch - Rodders Journal - No. 29

Buch - Rodders Journal - No. 29

SKU: rj29

Regular price €19,90 EUR
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128 pages, glossy full-color, perfect bound

Editorial | The RJ Times | Dressed to Kill: Paint Completes Prize-Winning Pickup | Wild Times in the Republic of Texas: Rods and Customs Gather in Austin | Barris Lost and Found: The Return of Sam's Merc and the Ala Kart | A Rare Treat: "Fat Jack" Builds a '39 Convertible Sedan | A Small Offy That Cast Cast a Long Shadow: It's Only a Quarter-Scale Model, but It Actually Runs! | The Doyle gammell Coupe: A Strange, Twisted Tale of a '32 Three-Window and its Many Owners | The Mild Ones: Chevy and Olds Customs | Hot Rod Retrospective: Ten Years of Our Favorites | Parts Is Parts | Supercharge Your Car! | 'Liner Notes | Spotlight

In this, our 3rd issue of the year we continue to celebrate our 10th anniversary. Royce Glader's stunning model A roadster pick-up and “Fat Jack” Robinson's rare '39 Ford sedan convertible are the choices for the covers this issue. Inside you'll find the complete story on Royce's now finished trophy winning roadster pick-up. Finished up in a frenzied thrash for the Grand National Roadster Show held in Pomona the car came directly back to us for photography here in our studio. The hemi-powered roadster is a demonstration in quality craftsmanship and style. Bob Bauder has just recently finished the restoration on the ex-Doyle Gammell 1932 3-window coupe. We traveled to Southern California to shoot the quintessential coupe on location. With its nasty chop and big rake, it is one of our favorite deuce coupes of all time. We have the exclusive feature. With the Sam Barris mercury coming out of hibernation and now sharing garage space with the Ala Kart, we couldn't resist bringing both cars into the studio before they get complete restorations. Pat Ganahl dives head first into both historical cars and delivers an informative and comprehensive piece. For some time now we have been anticipating Jay Fitzhugh's S.Co.T. And Italmecchanica supercharger story. An insightful look at the prettiest blower of all time. At the West Coast Kustoms, Paso Robles event this year we were fortunate to catch up with custom car builder Robert Roling and James Hetfield of heavy metal band Metallica and their mechanical customs. Roling's '50 Chevy cross country driver and Hetfield's '52 Oldsmobile. Both are subtly modified but built to drive.
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